The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Hear
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The art of life is a gentle balancing act of breathing in insights and breathing out the lessons learned throughout life. For me it's taking on the day with a passage, and at night, pen in hand, emptying out a full heart onto the symmetrical lines of a blank sheet of paper. While reading the below passage, my mind stood still in awe as I soaked it all in:
"Self-doubt is fear -- fear that we will make mistakes or do the wrong thing. It often goes beyond being afraid one will do the wrong thing; more often it involves how people feel totally wrong about themselves. They carry a deep-rooted shame and just can't seem to accept themselves or have confidence in their decision-making ability ... What I am getting ready to say to you may be one of the most important things you have ever heard in your life:
You don't have to feel confident to be confident.
To live in victory, each of us must learn to go beyond our feelings. I have learned that I can feel wrong and still choose to do what is right. I have also learned that I don't have to feel confident to present myself in a confident manner." -- The Confident Woman Devotional
Can you relate?
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